Bird of Prey (Country Road)


Ich bin zwar nicht direkt ein Klingonen-Fan, aber diesen Song finde ich einfach witzig :cowboy

The Ballad of Qomnawlogh
[Country roads]

by K'Win Tcie Tai DarkH

Almost Qo'noS, Beta Quadrant
we are earning honor for Qomnawlogh.
Life is bright here, brighter than the stars.
We will kill our enemies in wars!

Bird Of Prey - let me slay
'til I get where I look for:
To the Black Fleet, death with honor!
Then I'll be in Sto-Vo-Kor!

We've been fighting with Cardassians,
the Dominion and the Federation.
In Qomnawlogh fighting ev'ry day,
For the vic'try of the Klingon Way.

I hear the crying of the countless bodies dying.
The Romulans are flooding all their decks in slight green.
The blood is running and we're calling Qapla'!
For our glorious victory - Victory!

Ref. (2x)